The Life-Changing Faith Outreach Ministry
MISSION: Worship GOD and carry out the mandate of Christ to proclaim the Gospel of
VISION: To be a people who provide living proof of a loving GOD. We will continuously share the Word of GOD, and the Love of
If you are moved to come and be a part of any one of our outreach ministries, please send us an email; including the ministry of interest to
Outreach Ministry opportunities:
Care Team Ministry
Care Team Ministry (Matthew 25:36): Care Team participants contribute their time and talent in a coordinated effort to meet the needs of the care receiver. There are opportunities for Care Team participation that require minimal work and commitment as well as opportunities that require a more involved and long-term commitment. Regardless of the level of participation, this is a ministry that can enrich the lives of everyone involved and deepen our understanding of the Gospel message to love and care for one another.
Point of Contact:
Deaconess Daphne Brazil
Bus Ministry
Bus Ministry (Luke 14:23): Bus Ministry participants will demonstrate a reflection of what real Christianity looks like in a community; bringing healing and restoration to families within communities. The main goal of the bus ministry is to reach souls with the Gospel and adhere to the commandment of God to go out and deliver His open invitation; compelling all to come with us to the house of the Lord.
Point of Contact:
Al Myers
Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry (John 10:9): The Prison Ministry participants will proclaim the Gospel to the incarcerated; taking the Gospel to multiple youth and adult prisons throughout Texas. The Prison Ministry seeks to restore those affected by incarceration for whatever reason. Through the word of JESUS CHRIST and the Love of GOD, we will give them hope. How will the lost come to the Door of Life (JESUS CHRIST) when they are bound behind the doors of the world? We as a Church of believers are to guide them and go through the doors of the world and bring to them to the Door of Life.
Point of Contact:
David Russell
GO TEAMS Ministry
GO TEAMS Ministry (Mark 16:15): The GO TEAMS ministry participants will be obedient to the command of Jesus Christ by going into all the world and preaching the gospel to all creation. Our goal is to depart the comforts within the walls of the church building in order to be the Church that shares the love of God and the Word of God to those in rehabilitation centers and nursing homes; taking the message of Christ to the world.
Point of Contact:
Pastor Richard Baker