SENIOR Pastor DONO W. Pelham and Family
Pastor Dono Pelham is the Founding & Senior Pastor of Life-Changing Faith Christian Fellowship (LCF). Pastor Pelham planted LCF in March of 2008 in response to God’s specific calling for him to plant a ministry in Frisco, TX, that provides anointed biblically-sound theological teaching in a setting that demonstrates the love and liberty given to us by Jesus Christ. Pastor Pelham has been married to his wife, Angelia, for more than 30 years. Pastor and Mrs. Pelham with their daughter, Ashley, moved to Texas from Florida in 2004 when Ashley was just one year old.
Prior to Life-Changing Faith, Pastor Pelham and his wife have led Marriage Enrichment ministries at the churches in which they have been members for over ten years. Additionally, he holds a BS in Economics from Florida State University. Prior to Life-Changing Faith, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Wise Council Financial which provided investment services, financial planning, and loan packaging to its clients. Pastor Pelham is currently pursuing his master’s degree from Dallas Baptist University. In his “spare time”, he enjoys fishing and playing his trumpet which, he has played for almost 30 years. Pastor Pelham’s favorite dessert is carrot cake. His favorite place to go on vacation is Florida.