Water baptism goes far beyond a sacrament of commandment. Baptism is a time of worship and a public proclamation by the child of God; that they have chosen to fully immerse their faith and all of their being, through the purity of water, into Christ their Savior that invested the purity of His blood and all of His being into the child of God.
On the 4th Sunday of each month (following Praise and Worship service and Men's/Women's Bible Study), we set aside this blessed time to baptize any believer that has a desire to declare their sacred proclamation of faith, obedience and devotion to the Lord Jesus in our church sanctuary. We also gather together as a Church family at Lake Lewisville once a year to offer public baptism at our annual 'Baptism at the Lake' celebration at Hidden Cove Park in The Colony.
To get on the schedule for baptism, please contact the LCF church office at 214-387-8040.
Holy Communion is also a time of worship, reflection, repentance and retrospective remembrance of the eternal sacrifice of the sinless body and righteous blood that the Lord Jesus Christ gave and shed for us and our sins.
On the 1st Sunday of each month (following Friends and Family Praise and Worship service), we as believers in the Lord Jesus partake of pieces of bread that represent Christ's body (the Bread of Life) that was broken for our iniquity. We then partake of red juice that represents the atoning blood of Christ that was shed for our sins.